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Prettice Fanniel 
Amber Farias

We here at H20 Flow are trying to help the people of Indonesia that suffered through the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and earthquake. Our design will turn unsafe water into water that is now clean enough so that people can now drink it.


Manager (company leader)

Oversees the work of all employees; Assigns specific tasks; Completes evaluation forms; Initiates “Knows” and “Need to Knows”; Requests workshops; Ensures that everyone documents work in an engineering notebook


Chief Engineer

Ensures company use of a decision matrix; Uses the engineering design process to help develop products; Oversees all mathematical calculations


Lead Researcher

Works closely with Lead Scientist to answer questions; Documents all sources of information; Ensures proper format for citations; Checks for plagiarism in any company deliverable


Financial Officer

Determines all costs of company products and activities; Works with Environmental Analyst to determine “hidden costs” associated with the environment


Lead Scientist

Advises Chief Engineer to ensure scientific accuracy; Works with Lead Researcher to answer questions as needed; Designs experiments to answer additional questions (leads lab investigations)


Materials/Time Manager

Constructs a timeline with “due dates”; Ensures all employees stay on task; Monitors time during each company meeting; Determines how much work must be done independently (homework); Oversees material distribution and return during lab investigations


Environmental Analyst

Determines environmental impacts from company products and activities; Identifies and evaluates potential environmental resources; Works with Safety Officer to protect human health


Product Developer

Works closely with Chief Engineer to design and make company products

Eduardo Hernandez 

Public Relations Officer

Develops and maintains company website; Designs company logo; Plans and oversees final presentation


Energy Analyst

Determines energy inputs and outputs of all company products and services; Works with Environmental Analyst to select optimal forms of energy


Safety Officer

Monitors resource use and disposal during lab investigations; Ensures that company products and activities minimize risks to human health

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